Sunday, December 27, 2009


Oklahoma just had the biggest blizzard in history. I couldn't let all that snow go to waste. So, Grant and I built a crazy awesome snowman. He looks like a five year old built him, but I'm pretty proud. I did a photo shoot with my snowman for evidence of my skill.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

new to blogging

There are many other worth while things I could do with my time right now. I could do my History homework, read a book, or creep on facebook for two hours. However, I decided to write a blog. I have no idea what to write. I could make up some kids and post pictures about all the cute things they do. But, I don't think all the church ladies will find a teen mom very amusing. Don't worry, I don't have any kids you sickos. So, I thought I'd post some of my photography. I hope you like these pictures! No one will probably look at this awesome blog, which is really a shame, but, oh well.

I'll add more later...I gotta watch Say Yes to the Dress!